Sunday Recovery

Saturday night’s random craziness led to Sunday’s day of recovery. After three hours of sleep and a wonderful night of laughter and catching up with old friends I woke up restless and reflective. Instead of waking up my love and my house guest I took a walk on the beach in the early morning rain. At seven o’clock in the morning I walked up and down Ocean Beach reflecting on some very important things:

1. I have the best friends a girl could ask for.
2. I am the only one holding myself back from what I want.
3. Going to sleep at 4 AM should be left to twenty-one year olds.
4. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime. My love is simply amazing.
5. Walking in the sand in rain boots is harder than I thought.

April 12, 2010. Advice, Beach, blog, boyfriend, career, change, cold, exercise, friends, Love, Ocean Beach, relationship, satisfaction, sleep, tired, Uncategorized, wishes, Woman. Leave a comment.

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